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About Us

We're experts in the field of geothermal cooling who are driven by excellence and service.
GeoCayman was launched in 2013 as division of NCB group. Due to the growing demand from consumers for a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly cooling system. With unstable fuel prices and Air Conditioning accounting for 80% of electrical bills, GeoCayman and NCB joined forces to provide the people of Cayman, a solution using a natural and renewable energy.
GeoComfort geothermal systems use Cayman's saturated earth and cooler ground temperatures to significantly reduce your energy consumption for cooling your home or building. This clean, quiet technology has been called "the most energy efficient, environmentally clean and cost-effective cooling systems available today“ by the Environmental Protection Agency. With no dangerous emissions, your GeoComfort system can even be placed in your home out of the elements and sea air to ensure a life of 20 years plus.


We offer the following services:
  • Free Estimates
  • Geothermal Design Options
  • Geothermal Installation
  • Maintenance & Service
Jaime Iturralde
John Van Ryswyk
Paul Hampson